
Super exciting pictures of plasterboard!

Nanna - clerk of works #2 

You know those days when you get out of bed and things seem to go wrong, one after the other?...Saturday morning was one of those days! 

It began in an antiques shop where mum had spotted a lovely 50's style glass shade the weekend before. She was having one of those moments where you can't decide whether you really need something or not even though you do really like it! Well, mum decided yes she did need this lampshade and handed over the money to the man behind the counter. 

We were just having a mooch around for any other bits and bobs we may have missed and suddenly, we heard the sound of breaking glass.....not just any old glass I must add....but the glass of a poor little 50's shade which at that point, became the most needed object in the world for the new house! Yes, it lay in pieces on the floor! 

Nanna just laughed (!!)....I just stood and looked at mum.....mum had her mouth hanging open and the poor man behind the counter had his head in his hands. '' It obviously wasn't meant to be '' (that's what I thought would be the best thing to say at this point) but that obviously made mum want the little glass shade even more (and me for that matter)! These things happen!

Money back in mum's pocket, we headed next door to pick up the fabric (yes, the bargain Mulberry fabric), we strolled over to where the roll was and no Mulberry fabric was to be seen...anywhere! We hunted high and low for about fifteen minutes along with the ladies in the shop, by which point mum had had a mild panic and I'd stated that I would cry if it wasn't there (yes, so mature, I know!)

This was a happy ever after though! They found the roll through the back and after deciding that it hadn't been put there for another person (another panic), we managed to come away with what mum needed to set to on the curtains. Phew!

They better look bloomin' good I hear you say!!! x

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