
Four and a half years later!

Mum and dad finally crack open the fizz and celebrate their first night in their (nearly finished) new home! What a milestone!!!

Nanna joined in the fun.

Mmmm...the fizz tasted good...perhaps as it was a long time coming!

Us gals

The wood burner is now in! Naff picture sorry, but it looks really nice!

It just needs pointing and a new hearth which mum and dad picked today. More pictures of that later.

The project manager and clerk of works! Best Buds.

The table all set to host it's first 'proper' meal at Briardene! 
Please note mum's bargain phone table and lovely new lamp!

Mum all happy and cooking in her new kitchen.


Still supping (as usual!)

Here's a better one of the table. Mum and dad got the lovely pictures of Paris from their friends. When you see them up close they are a really nice mix of pink and grey.
So, not long now...just a few walls to be whitewashed, parquet flooring to be tackled, showers to be plumbed in...It'll fly by I'm sure!!!

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