
A random post

Today, bits and bobs have been done. Nothing major.

Yes...it's now darker and very nice!

The stair walls have been plastered.

Thought I'd sneak this one in. This pretty much sums up what mum and dad are going to be living in from Sunday! Eeek!

Waiting for a nice wood burner (bricks to be pointed don't worry!)

To end the randomness, a lovely bloom in the garden. I love flowers.


The makings of a bathroom

Give yourself a big pat on the back dad!

I think he's done a darn good job, don't you?
The next stage is to seal it which will darken the slate down, but you get the idea!

Dad looking for his screwdriver (again!!)
Oh, and the newly fitted wardrobes...how did I forget?!

I'm not usually one for fitted wardrobes as such, but with a few omissions (ie. handles!) and 
a nice choice of materials, I think these have turned out great. Well done mum!

They just tuck nicely into the corner of the room so leave plenty of space for other furniture.

Oh, and this is mum and dad's pile of timber flooring...

...actually there's more!
I'm sure there will be an entire two weeks worth of posts devoted to this parquet once we start looking to scrape, lay, sand, brush and oil the flooring...phew, I'm tired just thinking about it! 

Tuesday morning sneak peek!

The wardrobes in the master bedroom.

Yes...what will definitely be a labour of love has arrived!!

...and finally, the main bathroom. More pictures to follow this evening!


A quick update and the long-awaited worktop!

So this is what we're referring to as the bar, pre-plastering!

The new units are finally in!...

...but the rest of the house is still chaos! Nice chaos though!

So, drumroll please... 

here's the new worktop in all it's Lavender glory!!

It really is such a gorgeous colour! Even dad commented on how he liked it! These were taken on Monday night but mum say's it's even more vibrant in the daytime. Better bring your sunnies when you visit!

I spotted this fifties shade in an antiques shop on our trip to Devon last weekend and thought it would be perfect for the house. Luckily mum agreed....carrying three glass lampshades on a packed train was definitely a mission! More image updates to come tomorrow. Night night, or should I say good morning!! x


The infamous lead has eventually turned up!
I'll get the latest pics on here as soon as possible, but in the meantime, I'll leave you with this picture of Larry watching Crufts!....I know... it's not house related!!!!


Yep, you guessed it...

Still no lead!
So, here's the wallpaper that is going in the study. It was designed in the late 1940's for the entrance hall of the painter, Fornasetti's house in Milan. It reminds mum of little villages in Spain that they've visited which is nice! I've always loved this wallpaper so I'm really looking forward to seeing it on the wall.x


Anyone seen a camera lead?!

...well that's the reason for the lack of posts recently! I've been wanting to show you what's happened in the house over the last week or so but I can't seem to find the lead to transfer the photos from my camera anywhere! More walls have been plastered, the 'bar' wall has been built (surrounding the hob), the sanitaryware and bathroom tiles have been delivered and the shower tray is in situ! It's all go. Whilst I play 'hunt the lead' for about the tenth time, I'll leave you with the choice of flooring for the main bathroom.


Dad the project manager.

Lots happened today...

more plastering...

soil vent piping (!!)...

and this finally arrived...

...definitely looking lonely without it's worktop!

Dad prayed that the madness would end soon!..

and found gathering his tools quite therapeutic!

...but this had to happen really didn't it?! After all...he did break that mirror! 
Oh, not forgetting mum's 'boob' incident yesterday too! I won't subject you to the image but let's just say landing on them after falling off the top of a stepladder does not a pretty pair make!


Saturday sneak peeks

Mum and I went tile shopping this morning! Main bathroom...check.

...and this is being delivered in a week's time. Can't wait!
We sourced this reclaimed hardwood parquet flooring and thought it would look great throughout the ground floor...you don't even need to spend hours cleaning it, or laying it....all you do is close your eyes and POOF...it's all done! Brilliant!


Good Friday...

started well!

Dad started by whitewashing the walls...what a difference!

Mum revved up the new steamer (the sofa's temporary!!)

ooh...look at it go!

she loves it!

no...really loves it!!!

then...shock horror...THIS happened!

yes...that's me, UPSTAIRS!

can I just say, in my defence...
a) this obviously happened because of the 'mirror' incident!
b) I was being distracted by a conversation about wallpaper!
c) who left the bloomin' hole uncovered?!!!

 o.k, so I totally and utterly jinxed myself by writing that last post!


My parents...

...like making things just that little bit harder for themselves!

Take mum for instance. As I mentioned before, not content with just removing wallpaper from the house, she removes half the wall along with it, creating a nice new job...patching it up!

Dad's no better!! 
Sunday "wasn't a good day" (mum's words!)

It started with this. Dad breaks the mirror on the 1960's wardrobe.

Oh dear, add 'source new mirror' to the list!

....No dad, you're meant to be taking the naff UPVC sill off, not removing the wall underneath!! 

Same again - different window!
Point. Made.