
The proof is in the chisel knife

Here you go......a picture to prove it....dad officially strips wallpaper too (and a grand job he's doing at that!)

This is the lounge as it stands in all it's yellow glory!

One more thing to note. This is probably the only outfit you will see dad wearing for the next few months!

Sunday morning fabric hunting

While I'm waiting for more pics of this weekend's wallpaper stripping, wall demolishing, and general wreckage of the house, I thought I'd show you a fabric we have been looking at using in the breakfasting snug in the kitchen. Weirdly, mum was looking through an old Mulberry fabric swatch I had in the office last week, loved the fabrics and hey presto....we came across this fabric from the collection in a shop on Sunday... at an amazing price too!

Think slightly kitsch, ice cream vans, retro holidays and Battenbergs (!!) The last one... it's just what springs to my mind! ha.

The fabric will be great with what we are thinking of using for the kitchen worksurface, but more about that later!


Love is....

Stripping wallpaper while your other half goes to watch the rugby!!

(Just messing, dad did his fair share beforehand!) 

p.s Note the clerk of works!!!


A visit from the Vella's

This snap was taken at Christmas when Martin and Julie had the pleasure of the grand tour of the (empty and cold) house! Not the prettiest of houses from the outside, we agree, but loads of potential inside, and no, this picture wasn't staged!!! Dad just happened to be carrying some stepladders over his shoulder...not sure why!?!